by AgendaFM | Mar 24, 2023 | Press Releases
GUEST EDITORS: Guest editors: Claire Mathonsi & Vicci Tallis Join us for a conversation on feminist advocacy featuring writers from across theAfrican continent. For this issue, the pan-African capacity-strengthening organization Advocacy Accelerator...
by AgendaFM | Mar 2, 2023 | Call for Abstracts
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: GENDER JUSTICE & TAX Contributors are invited to submit manuscripts on the above topic from the point of view of either researchers or activists. Abstracts and contributions must be written in English, in style accessible to a wide audience....
by AgendaFM | Jan 23, 2023 | Call for Abstracts
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: CLIMATE JUSTICE, GENDER AND THE ARTS Contributors are invited to submit manuscripts on the above topic from the point of view either of researchers or activists. Abstracts and contributions must be written in English and in a style accessible to a...
by AgendaFM | Nov 10, 2022 | Call for Abstracts
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: FEMINIST DECOLONIALITY AS CARE IN HIGHER EDUCATION No later than December 12, 2022 GUEST EDITORS: Assata Zerai, Ph.D., The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA; Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela, Ph.D., The University of Illinois at...
by AgendaFM | Jul 15, 2022 | Feminist Dialogues
While science (itself not a gender-neutral terrain) is important for understanding climate change, and technology may be crucial for solving some of the problems, climate activists worry that overemphasis on science may not fully offer effective climate solutions...